Sunday, November 27, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011 UPDATE
SEPTA Volvo B-10M - Washed underfloor engine bay, electrical panel and redid
floor. Bus is now completed.
Amtran T6H4523 - Washed engine bay, exterior and interior. Bus is now completed.
TGH3102 - Washed exterior and interior of front of bus. Bus is now completed.
AM General 9635A - Washed engine bay, all compartments, exterior and interior. Bus is now
Harran Flxible Visicoach - Washed engine bay, luggage bay, all compartments, exterior and interior (twice). Completely redid interior. Washed the seats twice on both washings (were terribly silted up). Bus is now completed.
The power washing of all buses was completed by sundown on Saturday. Mission accomplished.
Note that all of the buses that were outside during the flood had an extreme amount of silt inside, and washing them was pretty disagreeable work. When the water inside dries, the interior floor will need to be scraped and wet vacuumed to remove the last of the silt (Volvo, Williamsburg, Amtran, AM General and Harran). The silt from these buses that was broomed out the doors onto the ground also needs to be shoveled up and removed - it is a sticky mess that will be tracked inside the buses again.
A BIG THANK YOU again to our volunteers--we would have never been able to accomplish this except for a few dedicated volunteers.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011 UPDATE

A brief summary for November 19-20.
The power washing of the annex building is now completed. Buses can now be pulled in for winter parking.
PD 4103 Greyhound Silversides - interior, exterior and engine bay power washed, completed
TGH-3301 Williamsburg - interior, exterior and engine bay power washed, completed
B-10M SEPTA - exterior and interior power washed, except for interior floor
Swept and shoveled silt out of remaining bus interiors (AM General 9635A, Flxible Visicoach and TGH-3102) preparatory to power washing
Mopped and vacuumed interior of CAT T6H-4523 and Bonanza MC-9
Monday, November 14, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011 UPDATE
CAT T6H4523 - completed washing of interior, exterior and engine bay. Some soot remains at exhaust area at left rear, will need the soap solution and brush touch up.
Greyhound Silversides PD-4103 - washed exterior and engine bay. Note: entrance door is jammed closed.
Williamsburg TGH3301 - washed exterior, engine bay and front interior (driver's area and front door)
SEPTA B-10M - washed exterior, rear equipment bay and front interior (driver's area and front door)
4106: H&S towing raised bus on to blocks. Rear drained. Air in tire.
4103: Grease entrance door track.
Bonanza: ran bus and drained fuel filter. Sprayed electrical connections with Corrosion X.
Williamsburg: Scraped and swept floor of silt.
SEPTA Volvo: Scraped and swept floor of silt.
4905: remove batteries and charge.
Jamaica Fishbowl: Remove builder's plate and GMC emblem.
MC5: Charge batteries.
Power wash annex garage doors. Power wash annex walls. More floor clean up.
Power wash parts.
Oil changed in power wash.
New door to tool room installed.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011 UPDATE
Power washed annex north side wall. Pit covers and pit steps power washed.
Bonanza: All systems checked and bus is ready to be moved. Moved outside under its own power.
Williamsburg: Engine, trans, & fuel drained.
Power washed the east half of the annex floor, except for the floor between the pit and the office, and the east side wall. Floors and walls cleaned with cleaning solution and brush. Floor squeezed.
Williamsburg: Bus raised additional height to access rear. Rear drained.
CAT Fishbowl: Air line from main compressor replaced. Brakes freed up. Bus moved outside under its own power.
Moved all items from west side of building to east side in preparation for floor cleaning. Some parts put in trailers.
Trash and hazmat disposed of by Ed Wolf.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Thursday, November 3
Saturday, November 5
Tuesday, November 8
Thursday, November 10
Saturday, November 12
Tuesday, November 15
Thursday, November 17
Saturday, November 19
Tuesday, November 22
The work sessions begin at 8:00 am and conclude approximately 2:30 pm--if you can come for all of part of the work session, please let us know at so we can plan out our work sessions in detail.
Ken McNelis provides a list of items that need to be accomplished and the list is posted at the Annex. All volunteers are asked to sign in/out and be prepared for "dirty" work--come with old clothes, shoes, etc.
Thank you to ALL volunteers who have helped.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011 UPDATE
Red Lion MCI Power washed exterior and interior.
Bonanza: Charged batteries, drained all fluids, bus driven onto pit under its own power. Second drain of fluids with plugs left out to drain. Filters changed.
Williamsburg Fishbowl: Put air in alltires.
CAT Fishbowl: Drained water out of cooling system.
Some floor clean up. Disposee of old drain oil in 55 gallon drums.