When it came to first-class transportation, not many regions of North America had more to offer than the trolley lines of New York’s Capital District. From their humble beginnings as horse roads forming belts around Albany, Schenectady, and Troy, these trolley lines helped move people around Upstate New York from the late 1800s until their final exit after World War II. The lines of the United Traction Company, Schenectady Railway, and the Hudson Valley Railway provided hundreds of miles of track around their home cities, as well as direct routes to resorts in the Adirondacks, Lake George, and Saratoga Springs. The trolley lines became famous for disasters that made national headlines, labor disputes, and engineering wonders that included the longest trolley bridge in the world. The vintage images in Trolleys of the Capital District provide insight into an era gone by and an often forgotten form of transportation.
The book sells for $21.99 and is available directly at the Gift Shop or you can send payment to us through PayPal (www.paypal.com) (use our email address thebusmuseum@yahoo.com) and be sure you indicate the title of the book. Add $4.00 for shipping - so your total would be $25.99.
ReplyDeleteI grew up in Albany in the 50's. I remember my grandmother telling me the "Belt Line" trolley use to run past the house I grew up in. I have fond memories of riding the old United Traction Company buses in my younger days. I just ordered the book and used my Pay-Pal. Somehow I missed this at the Spring Fling. Thanks Sharon for posting this.
Dave Dearstyne